Bit Beast sales info

The #BecauseWeMay guys wanted some sales data about everyone’s games, and after figuring it all out I thought I would share my data here, too:

1. Game:  Hubert’s Island Adventure: Mouse o’ War
2. Sales channel and platform:  Other Stores (Indievania), Windows
3. On what date did you add your game to the promotion?  May 27
4. Average number of copies sold per day the week prior to joining the promotion:  0 copies/day
5. Average number of copies sold per day during promotion?  0.14 copies/day
6. Average number of copies sold per day since the promotion ended:  0 copies/day
7. Was the game being promoted anywhere other than during the sale? Yes, was simply mentioned on my website/social networks

1. Game: Hubert’s Island Adventure: Mouse o’ War
2. Sales channel and platform: Direct from Developer (using BMT Micro), Windows
3. On what date did you add your game to the promotion? May 27
4. Average number of copies sold per day the week prior to joining the promotion: 0 copies/day
5. Average number of copies sold per day during promotion? 0 copies/day
6. Average number of copies sold per day since the promotion ended: 0 copies/day
7. Was the game being promoted anywhere other than during the sale? Yes, was simply mentioned on my website/social networks

1. Game: Bit Beast
2. Sales channel and platform: Google Play, Android
3. On what date did you add your game to the promotion? May 27
4. Average number of copies sold per day the week prior to joining the promotion: 0 copies/day
5. Average number of copies sold per day during promotion? 20.7 copies/day
6. Average number of copies sold per day since the promotion ended: 9.2 copies/day
7. Was the game being promoted anywhere other than during the sale? Yes, was simply mentioned on my website/social networks

In addition to that data, I’d like to take a moment to post exactly how well Hubert’s Island has sold so far. It’s pretty bad, but:

Directly through my site, using BMT Micro:
5 copies sold

Through Indievania:
2 copies sold

Bit Beast has sold around 250 copies so far, and sales are still coming in. That’s not a big number, but relatively speaking, it’s huge!

I spent about 12 times as long making Hubert’s Island than I did making Bit Beast. Literally. Just a fun fact!