So, several things have happened since I last posted here:
Bit Beast was released, the #BecauseWeMay sale happened, and I released a live wallpaper for Android.
The #BecauseWeMay sale was incredibly helpful. Bit Beast had been out for 2 or 3 days without a single sale. I got it in the sale, and sales have been flowing in ever since. As of right now, I have around 200 sales in total. While that is a small number, it’s a huge step forward for me and CaB Games. We’re totally famous now, haha.
Bit Beast has gotten nothing but positive comments so far, so that has been exciting. Oh, and I released a live wallpaper (an animated wallpaper) for Android to see what would happen. It’s pretty cool: it generates a large world (represented by tiles, each of which is rendered as a simple colored pixel), and you can watch it generate it. So far, that has sold 2 copies.
I noticed that a few posts back, I promised to show Bit Beast here. I then promptly forgot and never did. Oops! Thus, without further ado: