Want to contact Cheese and Bacon Games? There are a few different ways to go about this.
Before we continue, are you here to find out if you can make videos (like Let’s Plays) of our games? Show them to your mom / dog / neighbor? Monetize them? The answer is yes. No need to ask, and no strings attached. In fact, please make content with our games!
If you need help, have a question, want to discuss one of our games, or just want to discuss something random, Matrix is the best place to go.
Social Networks
We are on a number of social networking-type sites, just take a look at the bar at the side of this page.
We can also be reached via email.
If you need support for one of our games, please feel free to email us, and we will take care of you as quickly as possible.
If you have comments, complaints, questions, etc., you can always email us.